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Hunan Yueyang Sanxiang Chemical Co., Ltd.


ADD: Qilishan District,Yueyang tower Area, Hunan, China

Tel: +86-730-8552068

Fax: +86-730-8555728 / 8551358

E-mail: zhy@sanxiangchem.com

Website: www.gpcplatform.com


National sales call

Miss Li: +86-13975055666

Mr.Zhu: +86-13786080922

Mr.Wu: +86-17507301720

Mr.Luo: +86-13762039982

Ministry of Foreign Trade:

Manager Xiao: +86-13762006068 E-mail: kerryxiao@sanxiangchem.com

Jiang Na: +86-13873003025 E-mail: Lucyjiang@sanxiangchem.com

Zhang chun: +86-15073055157 E-mail: Kikozhang@sanxiangchem.com

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Thank you, if you have the intention of cooperation, please leave us a message or use the following methods to contact us, we will reply to you as soon as possible, and provide you with the most sincere service, thank you!

ADD: Qilishan District,Yueyang tower Area, Hunan, China

Tel: +86-730-8552068                          Fax: +86-730-8555728 / 8551358

E-mail: zhy@sanxiangchem.com             Website: www.gpcplatform.com

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